Invisible Force
The term "invisible force" refers to a variety of influences, including societal pressure, peer pressure, family pressure, and others, that influence you in ways you may not have intended.
It is the force that steers us toward a particular course of action based on social expectations and other factors rather than our real desires. It occurs when you decide to do something you ordinarily wouldn't do because you want to feel appreciated and accepted by your friends, family, society, or someone else.
It may not be a bad thing, but it is also not what we initially want.
Invisible force is not something they force you directly, but they keep talking about it and you keep hearing about it. Then you are kind of persuaded by that information and alter your direction to fulfill or fit in social expectations, family expectations, or even school expectations that can be from peers, teachers, etc.
I applied for nursing school because I felt it would be a major affirmed by my family. - H.D.
I really like music and play guitar very well. But because many people in my family are famous doctors, I decided to continue my education in medicine. - M.D.
I waited so long to finish my MFA because I felt the pressure and need for monetary independence. - D.S.
I feel that I was forced to work on my artwork in some certain way to please the teacher and class. - N.N.
I got married because I knew it would make my family happy. W.N.
This artwork is based on the concept of an invisible force, which I believe we have all encountered in some form. The influence of peer pressure, social expectations, and other factors persuade us to act or move in a direction against our best interests. With a rope tied around the arms and legs, I created a life-size human paper craft that is associated with texts that are attached to the stairway's wall and steps. The paper sculpture is a representation of us as humans, and the writing is a representation of the forces and information we are constantly exposed to in our society or from those around us. The rope itself is a metaphor for the unseen force that has the power to draw us in numerous directions.